Realistic Fps Games For Mac

Posted By admin On 16.04.20

For eight years, a group of modders have been working on reworking DICE's Battlefield 2 into a much more realistic and much larger-scale multiplayer shooter. In August, their journey came to an. PC/Mac/Linux Society; Most Realistic Gunplay. From your list yeam far cry have the most realistic gunplay. There are dozens of other FPS games that got (semi) realistic gunplay.

  1. Realistic Fps Games For Mac Free

The Top Ten Most Realistic First Person Shooters

Dec 31, 2018 So whether you prefer tycoon games, realistic simulators, or something in between, our best Simulation games for Mac picks will have something for you. And if you’re looking for something different, these are our current 100 Best Mac games in all the top categories. Operation7 is different from other FPS games. Most realistic FPS game. One shot one kill, Available to use more than 90 weapons which were from real world,Breathe holding to hunt your enemy. Games Games Software Software. Hardware Hardware ® News Steam Labs. Browsing Realistic Browse the newest, top selling and discounted Realistic products on Steam. FPS, Realistic, Shooter, Military. VR Supported. Simulation, Flight, Realistic, Open World. FEAR isn't even close to realistic but it is very fun. Rainbow Six Vegas is realistic in it's use of tactics. The firearms and some of the other features such as rappeling are fairly realistic. I had a lot of fun playing this one in co-op mode. Freeware clients. Some free-to-play online first-person shooters use a client–server model, in which only the client is available for free.They may be associated with business models such as optional microtransactions or in-game advertising. Some of these may be MMOFPS, MMOTPS or MMORPG games.


The people who voted for Call of Duty either have never played a realistic FPS ever, or they think that Call of Duty is as close to a real war as they can get.
While I have never owned, Arma myself, I have played it multiple times before, and it is much more realistic than Call of Duty or Battlefield. Battlefield does have bullet drop, big maps, and in hardcore mode, one shot to the vitals is a kill. But the Arma games have much more realism and tactics in them, which I find to be more fun than bouncing around a small map quickscoping, running up to someone while they shoot at you to knife them, and throwing grenades all the way across the map. The Arma games are definitely the most realistic, and as soon as I get a computer with a decent graphics card I will be buying them.

Arma series is always dedicated to those hardcore gamers who want to experience shooting game to a reality extend. It's probably the most realistic shooting game you can get as for right now. With unlimited possible game modes thanks to huge modding community, this game has brought realism into a completely different level. If anything, you may actually need to take the first 10 to 15 hours to learn about the basics, including radio standard communication, following order from your superiors, etc.

Why the hell is CoD4 at #1? It might be a small bit more realistic in story than the most recent games, but it is still incredibly unrealistic in every category. It doesn't deserve to be anywhere near this list.

If Arma games are not realistic than you can go home and play Call of Duty. Arma games have outstanding realism, with all the things such as bullet physics, realistic body shot physics (shot to the vitals means you're dead quickly) and all the vehicles make Arma series the top of all the shooters I ever had. Than there is an Arma 3 with outstanding realism and graphics that beat both Call of Duty Ghosts and BF4 by far.


Insurgency is probably the most realistic multiplayer FPS money can buy. The mechanics are on point and the game itself runs like a dream. Also, there are plenty of servers that will match perfectly with your type of style. The community is always chill and you don't run into too many idiots that ruin the game experience for you. More often than not, they get booted from the match because you can call a vote. However, the learning curve for this game is pretty intense. I started playing consistently only 3 months ago, but I could tell a lot of these guys were vets. With that being said, don't give up on the game so quickly if you find it too difficult. You will die, a lot. You will rage quit, which is fair. But.. Once you turn the corner and start memorizing the map layouts, getting control of the game mechanics and racking up kills, you'll be good to go.

I honestly don't know how half of these games got on here but the thing I will say is that this is pretty darn realistic and deserves second behind arma because this game capture the 'check your corners' perfectly in multi-player, but arma captures the engaging from a distance rather than from 15 feet like cod4. Call of Duty in general doesn't deserve to be anywhere close to this list along with crysis, I mean really a Nano suit, really?! But arma and insurgency are deserving of these spots.

Insurgency is very realistic, while yes it can pretty face paced sometimes it makes up for it in the game's chosen environment being CQB. It requires map awareness, checking corners, removing enemies from key hold downs that prevent your team from capping a point or progressing in anyway etc. People compare Insurgency to games like Arma and Squad, while yes all three are realistic I don't think Insurgency should be compared to them. Different map sizes, tactics, player size in games, vehicles (yet) and all those. Plus Insurgency is running on Source Engine while Arma is using the RV4 engine while Squad the unreal making 'realistic' textures for Insurgency quite hard. I'm looking forward to Insurgency: Sandstorm giving Insurgency a complete overhaul adding more weapons, better graphics using the Unreal Engine, more insane maps and to top it off vehicles.

For people with minimal experience on real steel firearms, Insurgency is a way good. The gun physics, sounds, explosions and specially the suppression caused during firefights are pretty good. Aiming with your zoom sight is a weird task to achieve and takes some time to get used to it (like the real life, test the game and you will see). Insurgency teaches you that suppressive fire is as important as hit the target, as well. No ammo counting; the only thing displayed is how much spare mags you have. If you think you can hit something with automatic fire, you'll be dissappointed, Here, auto firing is only useful during suppression. If you want to blow up some heads, so do this in semi-auto mode.

3Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad

Barrel overheating, sight adjustment, when a tank crew member dies inside the tank, you move the body to the side to access take his position.. lots of realistic details

One shot kills are very common in this game.

Do you even scope bro? When you scope in Red Orchestra 2 only the telescope zooms to the target. I think insurgency has this feature too. Both are great games

How is this not in the top 10
Realistic health, no ammo counter, blind fire, and realisitic cover from all objects

4Project Reality 2

Many real. Much accuracy. Very wow.

As you close as you can get to military simulator, at least until squad is released

More realistic more military

Very good game

5Counter-Strike: Source

This is NOT a realistic game, in ANY way, shape or form. - Zinfress

Come on, like really, these graphics are terrible, there are way more realistic ones than this

Very realistic movement especially in the bunny hopping side to side breaking physics - awesomeguy101

Realistic is not what I would call this game

6Arma 3

I served in the military (infantry) and in afghanistan. There is a co-op mission in the game called 'a normal day', It hit to close to home and I had to take a break because it was the first time I experienced PTSD.

Heavy squad based multiplayer game play, if you join the right server you can wait maybe an hour for your squad leader to finish briefing, then they have to brief you. Unless your given just basic goals, this game can be super complex. And if you have some mods like ACE, medic systems are much more complicated than just picking up and using a first aid kit, or regenerating health like Call of Duty.

Has to be #1 none of these games beat the realism if you join a realism unit.

Other than the character animations, Arma 3 seems more realistic than all the games above it. - IAmNotARobot

7Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov is the most realistic shooter available as of 2018. Every aspect of the gameplay has been tailored to be as realistic as possible. I'm a huge Squad/Insurgency/Red Orchestra fan, but EFT takes the cake. ARMA and Squad exist for military operations, of course, but if you want the FULL first-person experience, you need EFT.
One of many examples of the stellar design in EFT is sound. Sound is one example of what many realistic shooters seem to forget nowadays. Footsteps are loud, rubbing past a branch or the rustling of clothing as you move all makes noise. This is all taken into account in EFT, which means you are always risking being spotted if you move too fast and someone is nearby. Gunshots draw people from all around. You cannot search the bodies of people you killed silently; zippers, searching through bags, it all makes noise. EFT does this near perfectly.
Hits from bullets are also something too many games do wrong. Being shot in real life in most ..more

Great visuals and sounds, along with most realistic game mechanics I saw!

If you want super realistic weapon and combat simulator, then you have to play EFT. The game is so realistic, so hardcore, & so immersive, it's gonna give you PTSD (casual players will quit it right away). The gunplay, gun mechanic, sound design, armor ballistic, survival system, rpg element, & many more are amazingly realistic.

The game has realistic graphics, damage system, weapon customization, and more. This game is very promising and should be even better upon release

8America's Army: Proving Grounds

The most Tactical and realistic game there, I played Battlefield 4 then this. If we compare graphics Battlefield 4 wins, if we compare which is more tactical and Realistic. of course Americas Army is more tactical and even realistic. We stay in covers if we get out 3-4 Shots are enough To get us to ground and we start bleeding. Peace. Check the game out.

Great game, very authentic, this game shows just how much teamwork can help immensely in completing the mission. For free. This game should be near the top of this list!

For now, truly the most realistic.

No regenerating health here! Damage is high and one death and you are out but if you go down a teammate can patch you up (once)and put you back in the fight.


I, literally, have no idea of why it is ranked below CS:S and Call of Duty 4. I know both are great games, but in terms of graphics reality, this game must have beaten up all those two. Either ArmA 3 or Squad, I honestly couldn't choose, but based on my experience playing ArmA 3, it seems that ArmA 3 runs not as smooth as this one even though I was on a pretty decent gaming laptop. I haven't bought this game, but by watching some of the gameplay videos at YouTube, I can assure you, this game deserves top 5 in the list, or even top 3 (either above or below ArmA 3).

Even though it is still in alpha development this games is extremely realistic and simulates modern combat and the requirement of teamwork, highly recommend watching videos and buying this game I have over 700 hours on it.

Squad is definitely realistic. The way it simulates teamwork and military tactics, out of REQUIREMENT, should put it in the top 10. And that's not including bullet drop, realistic health levels, and (finally) great animations. Plus it's not even finished by far, and the updates are becoming more frequent and change more.

Why is cs higher than this go watch some gameplay and buy this game!

10America's Army 3

US Army recruiting kids by trying to make it seem like Call of Duty

The Oregon Trail is a video game published in 1990 on DOS by MECC. It's an educational and simulation game, set in a geography, history, managerial, real-time and western themes, and was also released on Mac and Apple II. The original oregon trail game for mac. Jan 13, 2015  The Oregon Trail is a computer game originally developed by Don Rawitsch, Bill Heinemann, and Paul Dillenberger in 1971 and produced by MECC in 1974. The original game was designed to teach school children about the realities of 19th century pioneer life on the Oregon Trail.

The most realistic hands down.

The Contenders

11Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2

Because you use cover, weapon selection is very important, and you can't survive 20 shots like COD

Why is Call of Duty more higher on this list than a tactical shooter? In this game you die it's your fault, it can be poor planning or poor execution why you die. In Call of Duty it's someone destroying you while using an unpatched exploit or an overpowered gun.

This game is essentially Call of Duty but you die from less bullets. The older Rainbow Six games I would vote for, like Raven Shield, but the Vegas series are capitalizing on the modern FPS' popularity.


12Battlefield 3

Battlefield is NOT a simulator people, get over yourself.

Why counter strike is more realistic than boyfriend?

I think this game is #1 in realistically because it has advanced physics, you can fly and drive vehicles, and the movements are realistic ( I. E gun moves all around in recoil, not just up), you can see YOUR shadow as well as others, and you can see your feet, and FINALLY it doesn't take 9 shots from a pistol to kill a person.

The only one more realistic would be ArmA III. Otherwise, this wins. - okcnaline

This is the most realistic game I have ever played

13Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

The Call of Duty series is great but it's not even close to being realistic.

It's a Call of Duty, not at all realistic, more arcade like than realistic

Should be on the furthest from real list, who put this here?

You kids Don't know what You're ranking about. This game is NOT realistic!

14Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2

Honestly any Call of Duty is fake. In ghost recon it takes a 1 to 3 shots. I say that's pretty real compared to Call of Duty black ops 2 or any Call of Duty for that matter

Campaign sucks, and is not realistic at all. However, coop and multiplayer are very realistic, provided you turn off the drone.

Ghost recon is my most favorite shooter, but the very first one is more realistic

15Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield

Realistic tactics and 1 or 2 bullets will kill your, your teammates or your enemies.
The only unrealistic thing would be the graphics which are dated but alright for 2005.
Also, why are CODs and Battlefields up at the top? WHAT?!?!?

Good Game u mostly die in multiplayeer and singleplayer with 1 to 2 bullets Also why is battlefield or Call of Duty in top 10 arma3 and red orchestra 2 fit those better


Obviusly fight in and distopia underwater with overpoweres guys in suit with strange powers is hyper realistic

Uh, you've got to be joking. Really fun but how the hell you gonna say battling big daddy in an underwater fortress realistic

Owning almost everything with a wrench is very realistic!

Vote for the hell of it


Realistic if you're imagining future warfare I suppose and a good game. I think it's the PLAYERS that make a game realistic. If Call of Duty players just slowed down and played more tactically and actually TALKED to each other without some little kid telling you to shut up or calling people 'campers' then Call of Duty could be a very realistic shooter. The Taliban don't pop up and shout 'camper' at REAL soldiers HOLDING A GOOD POSITION. THAT is a realistic tactic, not running around like idiots.

If we're talking graphics - usmc650736

Maximum strength

For me Graphic means the amount of reality, Crysis and Crysis 2 are definitely the best 2 video games with the best Graphics so I vote for that game. - gilde24ever

18Rainbow Six Siege

Most realistic console game. Team killing is always active, one shot headshots, the only complaints that I have about this game is how you can tell if a player is in a dark room because they are always lighter colored compared to their surroundings. Another complaint is that glitches are a plenty but of course this game has many updates to come.

How is this game not on top?
you can't heal up without specific operators, you can't even live up to 5 shots, one shot head shot, fully destructible environment, and a special elite force that does what delta force can't do. Of course there are some glitches that are annoying, but what makes a good game without BS, and good content? Don't even come at me with Call of Duty because honestly if I can't one shot headshot with a pistol, just delete that off of my screen. please.

Very Realistic And Swat like, but if you are looking for a open-world like ArmA 3, play ArmA 3. If you want Call of Duty to be More realistic DEFINITELY PLAY THIS!

This is by far the most realistic shooter I have ever played. This game is my favorite and I just hit level 105.

19Battlefield Bad Company 2

Please, the battlefield series is made around team work and realism. Call of duty has no bullet drop or realistic environments. This list is MOST REALISTIC. Not TOP TEN WORST or MOST SALES. It's not about sales, it's about a mature community and teamwork. Get it right next time.

Seriously Modern Warfare No. 1, you guys really need to rethink what makes a game realistic, it's not just having realistic environments and weapons, you have to be able to do realistic things as well. - LarvicarioZ

After I got fed up with how unrealistic the Call of Duty games are, I started playing this and was very satisfied with it. Not 100% realistic but a huge improvement in realism compared to Call of Duty!

Call of Duty at number one? Call of Duty ought to be the MOST unrealistic FPS to have ever been made! The whole franchise has been that way!

20Battlefield 4

Quite realistic but not as realistic as arma but more fun

The best militaries game ever..

Very realistic game. Shoot a rocket at wall and yes it will blow up. Want to take down a scyscraper well go ahead.

21Battlefield 1

The game is good but not too much realistic like, squad, arma etc..

Boyfriend 1 is known for is its destruction, sound and graphic quality, realism gameplay

None of the other games are CLOSE to battlefield 1.

Definitely realistic. Just not the realest

22Operation Flashpoint

Cod4?! Are you insane? That is not realistic. This is. No regenarating health ever, more realistic guns and equipment. And who knows how real Red River will be when it's released.

COD4? realistic? one shot one kill.. this is realistic.. not like in COD where you die only if nuke falls on you..

Most realistic game I have ever played why you ask health regeneration is for Call of Duty players that do not know how to heal themselves and also does battlefield have multiple choice objectives is medal of honor open world buff said.

While I know this game is very realistic, I voted for Arma because I played it instead of Op Flashpoint.

23Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising

All Operation Flashpoint franchise is based on almost-realistic combat. There is little HUD, damage dealt is insane, there's no radar, no objective tags, no run and gun, magazine bullets are lost when prematurely reloaded, etc. etc.

It's more realistic than the Call of Doodies and Cripplefields above.

25Far Cry 2

Its not super realistic at all but its really fun survival/exploration/shooter game. Your weapons will blow up in your face if you don't look after them and has it a great singleplayer. Also good gun fights and cool weapons.

26S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

Multiple weapons, different ammo for different weapons, somewhat realistic ballistics and recoil. Weapons can deteriorate and worse condition means Realistic inventory system that takes both weight and bulk into account and forces the player to make really tough priorities. Aggressive AI that is really trying to kill you - not just standing there waiting to get shot. Some elements of the game are highly unrealistic such as artifacts that are 'magical' items from high radiation which gives you bonuses. Geger meters, wild mutant animals etc. makes every trip really exciting.
As the game progresses it becomes more unrealistic story-wise but it could also be seen as the protagonist going crazy from radiation and solitude.
Wonderful game all in all that didn't get the attention it deserved.

27SWAT 4

Developed by retired swat team members, how can it not be realistic. Gun goes to low ready (unlike many other games) Very tactical

I like this game because of the strict ROE. You can't shoot a suspect unless they shoot first.

I like it because you need to think before you shot at a person.. I could be a civilian

I wasted so many hours if my life playing this game lol

28Rising Storm 2: Vietnam

This game is very realistic. It's 2 to 3 shot kill, or 1 shot wherever you shoot them.

29Mario Bros (NES)

Not a shooter, but definitely a realistic take on what my plumber has to go through in my bathroom.

How this isn't no. 1 I have no idea. VERY realistic game in everyway, amazing storyline 10/10 realistic fps game

Next-gen graphics, simultaneous shooting, perfect storyline 10/10

Best tactical realistic military first person shooter I've ever played. Incredibly realistic and immersive. Amazing.

30PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Great game. I think it very realistic as well. Don't let your frustration get in the way of enjoying this game. You will die a lot.

This should be number one

best game

so real

31Squad (Alpha)

Although in Alpha state, it's what Arma could have been.

Best game I've played in forever

Much better than arma because I can get more than 20fps -_-

33Team Fortress 2

Because it's obviously highly realistic, and nothing can change that. Very realistic in physics and gun play and very tactical. Very realistic.

This is great

34Medal of Honor: Warfighter

Medal of Honor both warfighter and the 2010 version are the two best console first person shooter games there have ever been. The games really tap into the action, sophistication and most importantly the brotherhood that tier 1 operators and other military personnel share with one another.

Tells the real story about the real heros that died doing the job they love and that very few can do.

Warfighter, gun mechanics quite realistic.


35Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

I honestly think this is one of the most realistic campaigns that I have ever played in my life. I don't know how it's not in the top 10. I mean come on people you're not going to get a game that is real life. But Modern Warfare 2 deploys you in Afghanistan as an Army Ranger ripping terrorists in half with a mini gun. It doesn't get more real than that..

It's kind of realistic but not really

37Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

Possibly the most realistic and accurate shoot known to man. Honestly this sets the standards for all 'realistic' shooters. This is on another level.

This game is unbelievable! I really feel like life has merged with this game when I'm on the battlefield!

The Realism is unbelievable!

Amazing Realism!

38Half-Life 2

Somebody once told me

The world was gonna roll me

I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed

Realistic Fps Games For Mac Free

40Spec Ops: The Line

One shot kill, realistic fire effects, cover settings and non stop playing. This game good as squirting girl!


41Project IGI: I'm Going In

Dude, this game.. Such memories!

43Day of Defeat: Source

Fairly simple as dying has always been,

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Realistic WW2 Shooter, Guns do actual realistic damage like real life ones do. Accuracy is a thing and recoil will be the end of you if you're not prepared.

45Metro: Last Light

Should be in the top 10 in my opinion. Very intense combat on the hardest difficulty. You die quickly and so do your enemies

46WWII Online

World War II Online is a Massively Multiplayer Online First Person
Shooter based in Western Europe between 1940 and 1943. Through land,
sea, and air combat using a ultra-realistic game engine, combined with a
strategic layer, in the largest game world ever created - We offer the
best WWII simulation and online experience around.


This list is bad anyway

This game is creepy

49No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy In H.A.R.M.'s Way

Most realistic gun mechanics ever seen. Hands down.

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List Stats

Top Remixes

1. Arma 3
2. Squad
3. Escape from Tarkov
1. Counter-Strike: Source
2. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2
3. BioShock
2. Project Reality 2
3. Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad

Error Reporting

See a factual error in these listings? Report it here.

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Heads up, virtual pilots — what'd I leave out?

This is my list of favorites right now, but I'm sure I've left some off that you love too. Feel free to let me know in the comments!

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