Mac And Charlie Game Of Thrones Reddit

Posted By admin On 14.04.20

All I want to see is this. In one of the final battles of GOT, a quick glimpse of Charlie in the heat of battle with his rat bashing stick. Given the game of thrones creators had cameos and directed an episode of IASIP. It's remarkably possible. A sub-reddit for the fans and critics of. May 14, 2016  Spurred by rumors about Mac and Charlie being cast this season in Game of Thrones, fans have imagined a full-on crossover – with the gang spreading their particular brand of chaos all over Westeros. Below you’ll find our favorite fan fictions inspired by Game of Thrones.

Time for a few deep breaths. Have you recovered from Season 7 yet? Complete with ice dragons and that all-important aunt-nephew hook-up, it was the most eventful installment yet. So no wonder people are already developing theories about how Game Of Thrones will end in Season 8, despite the fact that, according to Vox, filming won't end until August 2018 (or later), meaning there's a chance we might not get a Game Of Thrones Season 8 release date until 2019.

Given that the latest chapter of the story is still so fresh in fans' minds, it's no wonder they've been combing the seven episodes for every last clue as to what we'll be getting the next time round. And it's hard to blame GoT fans for their enthusiasm. Considering the shedload of cliffhangers they got — from Cersei double crossing the other potential contenders for the Iron Throne, to Littlefinger's murder, to the Hound threatening Ser Clegane — the brains behind the show have set us up for the most action-packed season possible. So, who will be the Prince That Was Promised? Who will take the Iron Throne? And are there more twists and turns to come? Let the theorizing begin.

1. Either Daenerys Or Jon Is Azor Ahai

Fans have been waiting to discover who the Prince (or Orincess, because it's a gender neutral-prophecy) That Was Promised is for a while now. The reincarnated version of the legendary hero Azor Ahai is supposed to come at a point when the Seven Kingdoms needs him or her most, which presumably is right now. Since Jon's parentage makes him is a mix of fire (Rhaegar Targaryen) and ice (Lyanna Stark), and he was brought back from the dead by the Lord of Light, this makes him seem like a shoo-in.

But according to a theory from Reddit user matttwee, Dany is also worth considering — according to the legend of Azor Ahai, it took him three tries to forge his sword the Lightbringer. The first time, he tried to plunge the sword into water and it shattered. Then, it went into a lion's heart and it shattered again, and only stayed in one piece when he used it to stab his wife. The Redditor argue this mirrors Dany's recent battles — her first failed battle in water with the rival Greyjoy factions and the second at Casterly Rock, ie. the heart of lion or Lannister territory where Cersei outsmarts her. The theory speculates Dany's third battle will bring her incredible wins at a personal cost, with her losing one of her advisors and soldiers (probably Jorah Mormont).

If either of these theories turns out to be true, then according to the prophecy, this reincarnation of Azor Ahai will kill the White Walkers.

2. Jon & Dany's Baby Will Take The Throne

Both Jon and the Mother of Dragons seem like strong contenders for taking the throne — but let's face it, George R.R. Martin isn't a fan of straightforward, happy endings. We've been getting a lot of hints that Dany may not be as infertile as she claims, such as Jorah telling the grizzled King in the North to hang onto his sword, Longclaw, to pass on to Snow's children, and well, the pair hooking up minus contraception. If Dany gave birth to their child and one or both parents get killed in battle, perhaps their allies will rally round to ensure that as soon as the Targaryen baby is of age, it would take the throne.

3. Cersei Dies

The writing's on the wall — from Maggy the Frog's prophecy that the Lannister's valonqar (High Valerian for 'little brother') 'shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you,' to the defection of even her most stalwart ally and lover, Jaime. While it feels all too obvious for Thrones, Jaime's departure suggests that he might actually be the one to murder her. Whichever way you slice it, the wine swiller's mounting paranoia and her isolated state suggest Season 8 will be the time she bites the dust.

Mac And Charlie Game Of Thrones Reddit Season 8

4. Jaime Is The Prince Who Was Promised

According to an enormously popular Reddit theory from user Byrd82, Jaime is the obvious candidate for Lord of Light. They point to the similarities in the Valyrian words for 'lord' and 'light,' and the words for 'gold' and 'hand.' Byrd82 also told Paste magazine, 'The Lord of Light is a farce. Jaime Lannister — Gold Hand — is the hero of legend and prophecy.' The Reddit user explains that Jaime's redemptive journey matches perfectly with that of 'Valonqar, Prince that was Promised, and Azor Ahai prophecies.'

Yes, according to the theory, this transformation will lead to him killing his sister and lover. But it will also lead to more than this — with him using his fiery sword hand as a weapon against the White Walkers, but ultimately brokering peace with them through diplomacy (something we know they're capable of, from Craster providing male children in exchange for peace from the White Walkers).

5. One Representative From Each Great House Will Survive

According to The Hollywood Reporter, George R.R.Martin's original pitch for the Game Of Thrones novels was centered on 'five central characters,' Tyrion, Daenerys, Arya, Bran, and Jon, destined to '[grow] from children to adults and [change] the world and themselves in the process.' Martin also described it as 'almost a generational saga.'

As THR notes, since the one theme running through the thousands of years is that these families survive despite near-impossible odds, this would suggest that at least one (if not more) character from each great house would survive until the end of the show.

6. The Night King Dies Early On In Season & Everyone Proceeds To Battle Cersei

An article on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's website proposed this theory based on an Entertainment Weekly interview with Martin from 2013, where he described why he chose to kill off Robb and Catelyn, in terms of doing the least predictable thing. Martin argued,

'The next predictable thing is to think his eldest son is going to rise up and avenge his father. And everybody is going to expect that. So immediately [killing Robb] became the next thing I had to do.'

Given that the popular imagined trajectory for most people seems to be the forces uniting to kill the Night King in the final episode and scoring a happy ending for the show, this theory argues that the Night King will be killed off quickly, and Cersei will use the momentary distraction to seize power. Dany will then proceed to battle Cersei for the Iron Throne, laying waste to Westeros, and killing off most of the population. Dark.

7. Cersei Wins & The Show Restores Its Pessimistic Note

While The Guardian offered a win for Cersei up as the only possible solution to ensure Game Of Thrones continues to subvert expectations, this sounds like a relatively convincing theory, given Martin's passion for pessimism. The wicked queen uses her mercenary army to win the battle of the dead, murder all her enemies, and 'the series [ends] on a Sopranos-esque note of things just carrying on.'

8. Bran Is The Night King

According to Reddit user turm0il26, we're going to get a big twist because Bran is the Night King. The theory suggests Bran has been using his powers to try and stop the worst case scenario from happening, but has actually been creating time loops — going back in time prior to Robert's Rebellion and causing King Aerys' madness, constructing the wall as his namesake (Bran the Builder) to keep the White Walkers out, and then turning into the human version of the Night King for one of a few different possible motives (like stopping the Children of the Forest from creating White Walkers).

When he realizes he's failed again, he tries to return to the present but has spent too long in the past and gets stranded there. He then eventually becomes the Night King.

9. The Mother Of Dragons Will Win, But Will Be A Broken Woman

In a theory that ties in to the pessimistic tonality of the show, Reddit user apam_balik argues that Dany taking the Iron Throne will be an empty victory when she realizes 'that the people of Westeros sees her only as a conqueror as well as a kinslayer.' This is an extra bitter pill to swallow when she realizes that as a barren woman with no known heir that 'once she dies, the realm will be at war again.' After executing all of her enemies, she will fly off on Drogon to live out the rest of her days in exile.

10. The Night King & The White Walkers Will Win

Well, why not? Given the show's fondness for the unexpected, violence, and an overarching sense of hopelessness, this isn't the most unlikely scenario. Add to this the fact that the White Walkers have a freaking wight dragon on its side and the ability to summon endless military forces by resurrecting dead folks, and this is looking eerily possible.

11. Tyrion Is A Targaryen

Reddit loves this theory and puts forward some fairly convincing arguments as to why Tyrion might be a Targaryen, such as his father, Tywin, repeatedly stating, 'You are no son of mine;' the dragons' friendliness toward the supposed Lannister (as well as his childhood desire to have one as a pet); and Jaime's brother's very fair coloring. If this turned out to be the case and Jon's lineage got out, could the trio rule together, balancing each other out?

2019 may feel like it's a few centuries away, which makes it all the more appealing to take your deepest dive ever into all the possibilities and predictions before Season 8 drops. So undertake a gigantic rewatch, dip into the books, and burrow into the most obscure corners of Reddit — this is going to be fun.

Game of Thrones is only one episode away from closing up shop for a good, and while the season hasn’t been without its detractors and naysayers, no one can deny that it’s had plenty of highlights and big moments. It would then make sense that none other than Aaron Rodgers—himself a purveyor of highlights and big moments—made a cameo in the penultimate episode, “The Bells.”

Rodgers is certainly not the first brief celebrity cameo Game of Thrones has had and a common theme for anyone who has made a guest appearance on the show is a lack of recognition in real-time.

Also, a lot of them die.

No, really; at least half of them have died.

At least you get to say you were on Game of Thrones, though.

With that said, let’s rank the ten best (and worst) Game of Thrones cameos because the night is dark and full of terrors (and super quick celebrity appearances).

10. Ed Sheeran


Sheeran showed up in the show’s season seven premiere, and to be completely honest, it was not cool. Not cool! And it wasn’t just because it was Sheeran, someone I am personally not a fan of.

It wasn’t cool because it was very clear that it was Ed effin’ Sheeran.

As we go on with this list, a pattern will emerge. People do cameos on Game of Thrones and for the most part, no one notices because they happen super quickly. With Sheeran, that wasn’t the case. He got lines. He sang a song. Arya complimented him on said song.

It was jolting and took you off your game. To watch Game of Thrones is to immerse yourself in Game of Thrones. Every actor is part of the show. You know them by their character names, not their real names. It’ll be a bummer for them once the show ends, but for the time being, that’s just how it is.

So when you’re sitting there watching Arya ride slowly down the King’s Road and then the show pans to a group of Lannister soldiers—one of them being Sheeran—it instantly removes you from the fantasy world and drops you back into the real one. The real world is not where I want to be on Sunday night, hence why I’m watching Game of Thrones.

Also, the whole thing felt cheap. The rest of the names on this list aren’t nearly as well known as Sheeran’s. Instead of “so-and-so” appearing on Game of Thrones, it felt like Ed Sheeran guest starred on Game of Thrones.

I’m not here for it. I wasn’t then and I’m definitely not now. Learning that he got half of his face burned off by a dragon is some comfort, but even hearing about him again (which we did in the season eight premiere) was a bit much.

Let’s just forget it ever happened and move on.

9. Snow Patrol’s Gary Lightbody

Lightbody, the lead singer of Snow Patrol, did some singing in the third episode of the show’s third season.

Lightbody played Gazza, a soldier loyal to the Boltons, and led a singalong of the tune “The Bear and the Maiden Fair” as a group of Bolton soldiers rode.

While I don’t remember much about Snow Patrol, I do very clearly remember that the Boltons were the absolute worst. So, unfortunately, Lightbody is guilty by association here and this much is now clear: Snow Patrol is also the absolute worst.

8. Chris Stapleton


Country singer Chris Stapleton, like myself, is a big fan of Game of Thrones. However, that does seem to be where the similarities end. While we are both fans, I do not have the resources to have one of my people call up the show and ask if I can be cast in a bit part, which is what Stapleton had his management do.

Must be nice, Chris. Must be nice.

“I was like, you know, I would gladly fly to wherever in the world just to be a small part and get to watch that show going down,” said Stapleton. “They were gracious enough to let me come participate that way.” Fun cleaver games mac os x.

For the record, I would have done the same but, like, whatever. I’m not jealous.

In “The Long Night,” Stapleton played a fallen Wildling who becomes a Wight, which is totally something I would have been willing to do (and which basically anyone could have done). Again, I’m not salty. Not one bit.

7. Martin Starr

Starr, a veteran of Freaks and Geeks and currently one of the stars of HBO’s Silicon Valley, must have made some solid connections at the HBO Christmas party to get the chance to appear in a Thrones’ episode.

See kids? It pays to network.

In the season eight premiere, Starr plays a member of Euron Greyjoy’s pirate posse and gets killed during Theon’s rescue mission of his imprisoned sister, Yara. It might have been a short appearance but it was definitely a sweet one.

6. Noah Syndergaard


The Mets pitcher and Thor look-a-like actually got to do something in his cameo and that should definitely get to count for something. I mean, he also almost definitely died, but he got to do something before that!

Take that Chris Stapleton.

To my sides defense….they had a FRICKEN DRAGON!!! 🔥🔥🔥
At least I didn't throw behind him.

— Noah Syndergaard (@Noahsyndergaard) August 7, 2017

Syndergaard played a Lannister soldier in “The Spoils of War,” the season seven episode that featured the famous Loot Train Attack. Seeing as how most of the Lannister army died, things didn’t look good for the tall fella with blond hair. Then again, he should be accustomed to hopelessness as a member of the Mets.

During his brief cameo, Syndergaard can be seeing heaving a spear, which is again, more than Chris Stapleton did.

Then he probably died.

5. Of Monsters and Men

Icelandic folk rockers Of Monsters and Men pulled a Stapleton, getting their management to reach out to the show to see if they could somehow appear while Game of Thrones was filming in Iceland.

The persistence must have paid off (as well as been admired) because the band snagged probably one of the better cameos the show has had to offer. They appear as a troupe performing in Braavos in the season six episode “The Bloody Hand.”

Bonus: As far as I know, they did not die.

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4. Sigur Ros


Yet another band from Iceland was able to get in on the action, this time with Sigur Ros appearing in the season four episode “The Lion and the Rose,” also known as the one where Joffrey dies. In addition to contributing a version of “The Rains of Castamere,” they scored a gig as a wedding band, performing during Joffrey and Margaery’s nuptials.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that it was probably the first and only time Sigur Ros performed at a wedding. However, I’ll have to check Wedding Wire or The Knot to be sure.

3. Will Champion

The Red Wedding, which took place in the ninth episode of the show’s third season, “The Rains of Castamere,” was a lot to digest. It was the show’s third big HOLY SHIT Moment after Jaime pushing Bran out the window and Ned dying and it had people absolutely shook after.

Yet amidst all the chaos of the scene in Walder Frey’s great hall, a familiar face could be seen playing in the wedding band, which was definitely not Sigur Ros.

It was Will Champion, the drummer of Coldplay! It was definitely a “blink and you’ll miss it” type of cameo, but even still, there he was, thumping away on a drum before the massacre happened.

Mac And Charlie Game Of Thrones Reddit Leaks

Will Champion of Coldplay essentially killed Robb Stark.

How do you feel about Coldplay now?

2. Mastodon



Here we have our first and only members of the two-timers club!

Brann Dailor, Bill Kelliher, and Brent Hinds of the metal band Mastodon not only appeared as Wights briefly during the show’s fifth season but appeared again in the season seven finale, “The Dragon and the Wolf.” Apparently, if you already look the part, it makes the decision that much easier.

Mastodon also contributed a song, “White Walker,” to the Catch the Throne: Volume II mixtape, which came out in 2015.

At this point, no one is more bummed that the Night King is dead than these dudes. Their side hustle as character actors who specialize in playing Viking-looking zombies dried up super quick.

1. Rob McElhenney

McElhenney, one of the stars and creators of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is part of a nice little mutual admiration society consisting of himself and Thrones‘ showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.

First, Benioff and Weiss wrote an episode of It’s Always Sunny (season nine’s “Flowers for Charlie”) and then did a cameo in the season 12 episode “The Gang Goes to a Water Park.” It was only a matter of time before they returned the favor.

Would McElhenney play a rampaging Wildling or hardcore North Man, valiantly defending Winterfell from the army of the dead?


Mac And Charlie Game Of Thrones Reddit Full

He played a dude that died.

In the season eight premiere, McElhenney (along with Martin Starr) is part of Euron Greyjoy’s Merry Band of Effin’ Assholes who have Yara held captive. McElhenney takes an arrow to the eye during Theon’s rescue mission and that’s all she wrote.

Let me remind you that when Benioff appeared in “The Gang Goes to a Water Park,” he played a water slide attendant and the worst thing that happened to him was that Mac called him a nerd. That pales in comparison to taking an arrow in the eye.

That couldn’t have happened to Ed Sheeran?

Nah, I’m just kidding.

Reddit Game Of Thrones Discussion

Or am I?